Friday 15 November 2013

Fruit 'n' Flowers...... the theme picked by Anne this week on Tag Along. Was wondering what to use when I suddenly remembered a stamp I had years ago when I first started stamping so I went rummaging through a box of stamps which in my mind I've labelled "I'll never use that".....well guess what I have .......the ants and watermelon is an old wood mounted Anita's stamp.  Thought the quote worked quite well with it as well. Anyway hope you like it, just a bit of fun :-) !!!

Donna xx


  1. LOL what a great take on the theme, Donna. I was going to say 'whatever possessed you to buy a stamp of ants carrying a watermelon!' but when I was new to craft I bought some very strange stuff. Just goes to show, everything comes in useful eventually :-)

    1. I have no idea why I bought it!!!! Must have been a mad moment!! LOL!!!

  2. It's a lovely tag and I like the quote

  3. Absolutely delicious! Chris xxx


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